Find the Dog Breed that Matches Your Zodiac Sign

18 minute read By Peter Corso
Reviewed by: Pawrade Team
December 30, 2022

The new year of 2024 is right around the corner! You are probably wondering what’s in store for you. Will your fortune be good and filled with success? Will you have a year of hardships and learning curves? Whatever is meant to be will happen, but it is helpful to be in touch with your inner self. It’s a special time to think about the future and what it may bring. Moving forward with a clean slate allows you a chance to reinvent yourself in a whole new way. Take some time to reflect on your values and your life goals as you prepare yourself for how the new year will play out for you. While many people focus on making resolutions and setting goals for the upcoming year, one of the most exciting things that you can do is get a puppy! If you are looking to start the new year with a new puppy, then you can have fun considering which breed of dog will be most compatible with you based on your zodiac personality!

Aries: March 21 to April 19

Shiba Inu

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Shiba Inus and Aries are fiery and spontaneous. This makes Shibas the perfect companion for anyone who is looking for a loyal pet ready to seek out a thrill. These fervent dogs have a courageous spirit that can sometimes get them into trouble if not given enough exercise or attention...much like our beloved Aries!

The Shiba's autonomous nature makes them independent thinkers and they may not enjoy being told what to do. Instead, they prefer having their own way and will challenge their owners in order to get it. Commanding a Shiba Inu requires an equal balance of firmness and fairness for them to learn quickly and behave correctly. For these reasons, Shiba Inus are generally not recommended for novice pet owners. However, with the right type of obedience training, Shiba Inus will add a spark of life that could be just what you're looking for.

Shiba Inus desperately need physical and mental stimulation every day, or else they could become bored or destructive. They love running around outdoors and playing fetch in particular. Just like Aries, make sure to stick to a daily exercise routine. Your Shiba Inu will remain content and happy at home! Bonding with your Shiba Inu through active outlets is most important. They are known for their devout loyalty and can become very protective of their families if threatened in any way, so it's important to train them from an early age so that they know how to respond to dangerous situations appropriately.

Overall, Shiba Inus share many similarities with people born under the zodiac sign of Aries - fiery tempers, strong wills, and lots of energy. So if you're looking for a loyal pup who can keep up with your active lifestyle then look no further than this courageous little breed!

Taurus, April 20 to May 20

French Bulldogs and English Bulldogs

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Bulldogs and those born under the Taurus zodiac sign are both stubborn, family-oriented, and love the simplicities of life such as sleeping and eating. Sometimes this creates difficulty in training, but their stubbornness and straightforwardness are also one of their strongest qualities.

Those who fall under the Taurus zodiac sign value relationships above all else, just as Bulldogs are known to be. Oftentimes, they remain true to themselves instead of chasing after trends or other people's approval. No one can argue the inner strength of a Taurus or a Bulldog. In fact, they are wonderful companions in those tough situations where patience is essential for success. With both Bulldogs and Aries, it takes some time before establishing a strong bond between them and you, but once established nothing will break it without exception.

There's no wonder why the Taurus symbol is a Bull. Don't mess around or the consequence is the horns! Instead, find ways to maintain stability and security when it comes to relationships with your Bulldog and Aries relationships. They prefer to stay in familiar environments rather than make drastic changes in their lives, which makes them great family pets since they don't require much adjustment when brought into new households. Bulldogs and Taurus match up amazingly well because they take things slowly – like how Tauruses do not rush into decisions,

The connection between Bulldogs Taurses runs deep: similar stubbornness combined with loyalty, determination, the strength of will, and a need for routine make these two species a wonderful combination for anyone looking for an extra special canine companion this New Year!

Gemini: May 21 to June 21

American Pit Bull Terriers

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American Pit Bull Terriers, commonly known as Pits or Pitties, are often considered some of the most intelligent and loyal breeds in existence, and they have a personality that is both endearing and unique. They also tend to be quite extroverted, loving attention and making friends easily. For these reasons, they mirror the traits of Geminis.

The Gemini zodiac sign is represented by a symbol that stands for "the twins." Pit Bulls share this two-faced feature in the sense that their behavior is quite adaptive and can change depending on the situation. On one hand, they can be friendly and outgoing, but the next moment they can become serious and protective. Pit Bulls are noticeably intuitive and learn quickly from experience. Even though they may not understand all the nuances of human communication, once you show them how to act, it’s unlikely for them to ever forget what you’ve taught them. This is why Pits make great service dogs, contrary to popular belief. They can pick up new skills fast, retain those skills for long periods of time, and respond effectively even when under pressure. Their quick wit and charisma match the Gemini's nature astoundingly well. Geminis love to be the life of the party. Their stage presence helps them steal the show.

Although it's important to remember that Pits aren't perfect – like any breed - their loyalty combined with their IQ makes them one of the best breeds around for families who want a loving companion as well as protection if need be. And just like Gemini people, Pit Bulls need patience and consistency to thrive; without it, these dogs may not reach their full potential.

Funny enough, Pit Bulls and Geminis both have a bit of a bad reputation. They are an "all or nothing" breed and do not waver in the middle of their relationships and desires. If cared for properly, both Pitties and Geminis can form strong bonds with nearly anyone they meet. They truly have an incredible zest for life, so if you're lucky enough to find one of these amazing animals be sure to take advantage of every moment you get with your beloved four-legged friend!

Cancer, June 22 to July 22

Bernese Mountain Dog

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Bernese Mountain Dogs are incredibly similar to Cancer Zodiac signs since Cancer-born individuals often have an instinctive understanding of the feelings and emotions around them. Similarly, Bernese Mountain Dogs are known for their intuition when it comes to gauging their environment and who they come into contact with. Both are described as loving and sensitive creatures that have a knack for recognizing how people feel. This innate understanding allows them to respond with an uncanny amount of empathy. On top of this, Bernese Mountain Dogs also possess a protective nature that can be seen in Cancer individuals. These dogs offer unconditional love and devotion despite any changes or hardships within the household. One could even argue that these dogs act as counselors or therapists at times due to their keen sensitivity towards emotion and state of mind.

Cancers and Bernese Mountain Dogs are incredibly loyal companions who exude warmth in whatever environment they find themselves in. They can sense when someone needs comfort or when someone is feeling down, providing an emotional support system that few other breeds can match. Furthermore, these dogs tend to be quite social - bonding well with both family members and strangers alike - allowing them to build strong relationships with both humans and animals alike.

All in all, it's easy to see why so many people find similarities between Bernese Mountain Dogs and the Cancer zodiac sign. Sensible yet emotional creatures, these loyal four-legged friends provide a unique type of companionship few other breeds have been able to replicate.

Leo, July 23 to August 22


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Pugs and Leos share their cuddly personalities and attention-seeking tendencies. Neither likes to be left out of conversations or activities. They are dedicated to those they love and will do anything for them. Pug owners can attest that their Pugs follow them around the house all day and never leave them alone while they go about their chores. Similarly, Leo zodiac signs are incredibly loyal friends who will provide unwavering support when needed.

A favorite attribute of both Pugs and Leos is their childlike enthusiasm, bringing joy to any situation. Whether it’s playing with a toy or attending an event with friends, this breed of dog and person is always willing to enjoy life to the fullest. This quality allows them to come up with creative solutions and think outside of the box when presented with a problem or challenge.

If you have the opportunity to bond with a Leo or Pug, then you should know that they expect admiration from those around them. Pugs especially require plenty of cuddles and belly rubs from their owners on a daily basis! It’s important not to forget that although these qualities may seem overwhelming at times, they merely demonstrate how much they value companionship and affection from those close to them.

It’s impossible not to mention how charismatic both Leos and Pugs can be! They thrive in lively environments where they can interact with others - whether it's exchanging stories or meeting new people - which makes parties or gatherings that feature either group even more enjoyable for everyone involved.

Virgo, August 23 to September 22

Australian Shepherd

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Australian Shepherds and the Virgo Zodiac sign have many similarities that make them connect on a deeper level. Each is outdoorsy and values their time in nature. Australian Shepherds, who are also known as Aussies, were originally bred to roam and reign farms, so they love running around in open spaces. They have a natural inclination towards activities such as chasing frisbees or conquering hiking trails with their owners. Similarly, Virgo is an "earth sign" and they share the Aussies' connection to Mother Nature. 

Virgos and Australian Shepherds are task-oriented and engage with a unique attention to detail. It goes without saying that they both function with organized mindsets and dedication toward achieving goals. Aussies were bred for herding livestock which requires focus on attention and coordination as well as commitment and consistency - all of which are hallmarks of the Virgo zodiac sign. When it comes to your relationship with Aussies and Virgos, they will help you reach your goals as well as motivate you along the way.

One of the best-shared traits between Australian Shepherds and Virgos is their warmth towards others due to their sweet temperaments. Aussies are known as loyal family pets who adore people from all walks of life; similarly, Virgos are some of the most welcoming people you will ever meet despite sometimes coming off as serious due to their hardworking nature.

In conclusion, Australian Shepherds and the Virgo zodiac sign have many similarities that make them connect on a deeper level; most notably they share a love for the outdoors, task-orientedness, and friendly traits that bring out each other’s best qualities when combined together!

Libra, September 23 to October 23


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The extroverted personalities of Pomeranians and Libras make them incredibly similar. Both creatures enjoy the company of others and thrive when they have plenty of social interaction. While Pomeranians and Libras usually don't trust others immediately, they tend to warm up quickly if given enough time. This trait may be due in part to their extroverted nature - it’s hard not to get along when you’re constantly looking for company! They also share a sense of separation anxiety, often feeling lost or lonely when left alone for too long. 

Pomeranians are energetic, playful dogs that love to explore their surroundings, just as the intellectually curious Libra can’t help but seek out new experiences. If you see a person at an airport traveling with a dog, there is a good chance that it is a Pomeranian! Not only do "Poms" and Libras enjoy exploring new scenery, but they also both have incredibly sharp imaginations. They can come up with clever ideas and turn even the simplest concepts into something entirely unique and creative.  They share an affinity for beauty and aesthetics. The Pomeranian loves nothing more than a good grooming session, as its fluffy fur is its pride and joy. Similarly, Libras appreciate the chance to admire the beauty of art and decor. It’s no wonder why these two signs go so well together!

Lastly, both the Pomeranian and Libra aren't afraid to speak their mind - they'll let you know exactly what they're thinking! These intelligent creatures will voice their opinions loudly and clearly if something isn't quite right in their lives - making them perfectly suited for one another.

In conclusion, there are many similarities between the extroverted personalities of the Pomeranian dog breed and the Zodiac sign Libra. From an affinity for beauty and aesthetics to clever imaginations, these two creatures have many traits in common that make them ideal companions for one another!

Scorpio, October 24 to November 20

Siberian Husky

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Siberian Huskies and the Scorpio zodiac sign share many qualities that both make them equally attractive in their own ways. On the surface, they both have strong personalities with fearless attitudes, but underneath their tough exteriors lies a deeper understanding of loyalty, power, and determination.

Both Huskies and Scorpios are one-minded when it comes to achieving their goals. Whether it's an adventure in the wilderness or taking on life's toughest challenges, their personalities will remain determined until they see results. With this stubbornness comes a profound loyalty and protective mindset of those closest to them. When you earn the trust of a Scorpio or a Husky, there isn't much else that can break it apart—they'll be by your side no matter what.

It must be said that Huskies and Scorpios are known for their outward beauty and attractiveness. After all, Scorpio is symbolically known as the zodiac sign of romantics,  encompassing a slightly intimidating appeal that leaves you wanting more. Scorpios and Huskies confidently walk down the street with a "double take" appearance, making you look twice to acknowledge their true beauty.

Beyond the superficiality of looks, they bring strength and resilience into any situation if given the chance.  It is impossible not to reach success at whatever task they take on. So if you ever find yourself stuck between making a decision and need someone who can guide you through it in a secure way—look no further than these energetic companions!

Sagittarius, November 21 to December 20


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Beagles and Sagittarians are freedom-seekers and need lots of space to explore and express their independence. Curiosity may kill the cat, but it enlivens the Beagle and Sagitarrius!  They have an open-minded outlook on life and always stay eager to learn more about the world around them. Both Beagles and Sagittarians have inquisitive minds that make them quick learners and they are eager students ready to soak up whatever knowledge is thrown their way!

Socially, Beagles and Sagittarius are vocal creatures.  Using their voice is a primary way to express themselves and they are not afraid of speaking up for what they believe in. If you have seen the movie Shiloh, then you can easily understand how Beagles symbolize a true social justice warrior fighting for those who cannot or will not fight for themselves. Sagittarians attract and manifest the empowerment of the golden rule, representing the "greater benefic" effect of good luck and good fortune.

All in all, there is no denying that both Beagles and those born under the sign of Sagittarius share many similarities when it comes down to personality traits such as freedom-seeking behavior, curiosity towards learning new things, and optimist outlooks on life regardless of what challenges may come their way!

Capricorn, December 23 to January 20


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The complex and intuitive Weimaraner breed is known for its unique beauty. The Capricorn zodiac sign shares the Weimaraner's reputation for being loyal, hardworking, and tenacious. Their strong sense of the important things in life allows them to understand things on a deeper level than most people can. Capricorns and Weimaraners have an uncanny ability to make important decisions quickly and accurately based on their instincts.

Weimaraners and Capricorns are also known for their patience and willingness to learn new things. Prideful in their ability to pick up new skills easily and efficiently, both are known as great problem solvers. Furthermore, both prefer to work alone or in small packs if given the opportunity. They appreciate having time away from large groups in order to think things through or just enjoy some solitude.

At the end of the day, both are loyal companions who will put their trust in those closest to them. Valuing relationships comes easy to them and they idealize their partners more than anything else in life! They share an intuitive nature which gives them insight into situations beyond what’s visible on the surface; this allows them both to make wise decisions even when faced with difficult choices that require quick judgment calls. Lastly, they’re independent thinkers who don’t need constant guidance but rather prefer working alone so they can focus on achieving their goals fully unencumbered by outside distractions. It’s these characteristics that make these two seemingly disparate creatures such amazingly loyal partners for life!

Aquarius, January 21 to February 21


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Corgi dogs and the Aquarius zodiac sign have a great many similarities, which make them both delightful and sporadic personalities. To start, they both share an exuberant amount of energy and boundless enthusiasm for life. Corgis are known for their long-lasting stamina in the same way that Aquarians tend to be lively and energetic individuals who live life to the fullest.

Both Corgis and Aquarius are cheerful personalities by nature. They have an innate ability to spread joy to those around them through their infectious happiness. Corgis will often greet strangers with a smile (and maybe a few licks too), while Aquarians exhibit genuine kindness that put others at ease. They understand how important it is to make others feel loved and appreciated, making them valuable friends and companions in any social situation. Why else would they be chosen as Queen Elizabeth's chosen dog breed?

Corgis and Aquarians share individualistic traits that can't be ignored. They are not afraid of thinking differently from the crowd and display strong critical thinking skills that allow them to quickly analyze different situations and come up with workable solutions on their own terms. They have active imaginations that give rise to creative ideas that can be used in everyday life; these ideas often get noticed by those around them as something that is really special or interesting.

Though these two may seem like strange bedfellows at first glance, their similarities make perfect sense when looked at more closely: they share many commonalities such as their boundless energy, cheerfulness, independence, creativity, and ability to think outside of the box which brings out so much joy in each other's lives! Whether it be running around in circles with your furry friend or spending time discussing ideas out of this world, Aquarius & Corgis will always keep you entertained!

Pisces, February 22 to March 20

Golden Retriever


Golden Retrievers and the Pisces zodiac sign have much in common. Both are emotional, friendly, and compassionate spirits. People born under the Pisces sign often offer harmonious emotional support to feel whole and fulfilled. Similarly, Golden Retrievers are widely regarded as the best dog breed for Emotional Support Animals

The Pisces personality is associated with being happy-go-lucky and often capable of empathizing with those around them. This trait resonates strongly with Golden Retrievers, who often tend to be very happy animals that enjoy having company and actively seek out ways to make others around them feel comforted and content. On top of this, both signs possess a strong sense of loyalty - making them superb companions for many years on end. The Pisces person is faithful almost beyond comparison while Golden Retrievers will follow their owner faithfully until they can no longer do so due to age or illness. Both species show great empathy towards those around them, which makes them wonderful friends through thick and thin regardless of other differences between them which may exist.

Additionally, both the Pisces zodiac sign and Golden Retrievers are well known for their calm demeanors, resonating a peacefulness about them that can help provide relief or solace in tense situations. Be mindful that Pisces and Golden Retrievers are heavily in-tune with their environments and are sponges when it comes to all situations in your life. Their outlet needs to be freeing and separate from all of the chaos!

In sum, it is clear that there are some powerful similarities between those born under the Pisces zodiac sign and the gentle giants known as Golden Retriever dogs - from their emotional personalities all the way through their loyalty towards their owners over long periods of time. One thing is certain: if you're looking for emotional support, friendship, understanding, or just a good time, these two signs have much in common!

Find the Perfect Puppy to Match Your Zodiac Sign

No matter what type of dog you are looking for, we have the perfect pup for you. Check out our available puppies for sale now and find the perfect one that matches your personality. With so many options, you are sure to find the puppy that is right for your zodiac personality!


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Peter Corso

I have worked with Pawrade for 3 years helping families find their perfect furbaby. I have dedicated myself from start to finish, assisting people in finding and adopting their puppy and even delivering the puppy to their door! Check out our videos, blogs, and social media content to see my heart pour out!

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